2021 April Vacation Week

04/19/2021 09:00 AM - 04/23/2021 04:00 PM ET


  • Free


Registration is now closed. Please call the office at 781-329-5740 to inquire about space.

Monday April 19, 2021- Friday April 23
Grades K-5th
Regular Hours: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Extended Hours: 7:30 - 9:00 am & 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Cost: Regular Hours: $70 per person per day
          Extended Hours: 7:30-9AM: $15  4:00-6PM: $18 per day
*Limited financial aid is avaliable*


DCH is excited to host our April Vacation Camp. Your child will get a taste of the summer camp experience in this program. Each day consists of several activities which may include sports & games, arts & crafts, science and more.  Activities will be held indoors and outdoors, weather permitting. We end our week with a pizza party on Friday. All campers and staff will be required to wear masks. Camper group sizes are limited and groups will follow COVID camp protocols. If you have any questions please reach out to our Program Director, Jenni Putnam, at Jputnam@dedhamcommunityhouse.org.