2023 Winter Learn and Play Basketball Ages 3-4 Thursdays 5pm

01/19/2023 05:00 PM - 03/16/2023 05:50 PM ET


  • $110.00


8 Class Session

Thursdays 5:00-5:50pm 

Classes begin 1/19 . No classes on 2/23. Classes end on 3/16. 

If due to inclement weather we need to cancel 2 classes we will hold a make up class on 3/23. 

Cost: $110 per participant

Classes take place in the DCH Gymnasium. Located at 671 High Street. 

DCH Cancellation Policy:
All registrations are final one week out from each program/event and there are no cancellations/changes. Please call or email with questions, 781-329-5740 info@dedhamcommunityhouse.org.

Viking’s youth basketball clinics introduce players to the basic skills of dribbling, passing and shooting during the first half of the class, followed by a fun scrimmage during the second half; age adjusted rules and lower hoops are used as necessary. Emphasis is on fun and learning. Each class will try to focus on different aspects of gameplay, building players toward complete understanding of Repetition and overlap with drills is expected to give all players adequate practice with basketball. All players receive a Viking Sports T-shirt. Please bring a reuseable water bottle to class. 

Please note: A parent/guardian must be present for the entire class. Siblings are welcome but must remain with adult spectator at all times. 

Health and Safety: If your child or anyone else in your household tests positive for COVID-19 or is a close contact of someone with COVID 19 please do not attend class until the isolation/quarentine period is over. For up to date guidelines on Isolation/Quarentine click here. 

